Endowment Committee

Endowment Committee

Hello, my name is Liz Zuercher, and I am currently chairperson of the Endowment Committee at St. Paul in Caro. This is a committee of seven elected members, who are selected for a total of three terms, which vary in length from 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years. We meet at least quarterly to receive and administer gifts to the fund, make plans for fund distribution, and make plans to promote the fund. The funds purpose is to receive gilts and bequests, and to use them for the further growth of our church. Current members of this committee are: Jeremy Creutz, Marci LaValley, Linda Matuszak, Cindy Morley, Kathy Smith, Troy Wark, and myself.

When terms expire and you are approached to serve on this committee, please consider it. It’s a very worthwhile committee, doesn’t take up a lot of your time, and helps you to get to know other members of the church.

Hello, my name is Liz Zuercher and I have been a member of St Paul’s for many, many years. I usually attend the 8:30 service, and try to attend the Bible class between services.

I am an active member of LWML, the JOY Group, the Quilters, love to help with Operation Christmas Child, and am in charge of signing up volunteers to help with the Red Cross Blood drive when it’s held here at St Paul. I am also the current chairperson of the Endowment Fund committee.

It would do my heart good to see more of you take an active part In the activities here at the church. If you would like to participate in ANY of the activities, don’t be shy…offer your help, I know you would be welcomed with open arms, and you won’t be turned down!!

About the Endowment Committee

Liz Zuercher